Tuesday 4 March 2008

Interesting Customer of the Week Part 3

There have been a few interesting types this week.

There was a woman who looked like Professor Trelawney from the Harry Potter films. That was odd. And the man who spoke to himself in French the whole day, without benefit of phone or Bluetooth headset, so my only other option is that God is French and the man was speaking in tongues.

Honourable mention goes out to the old guy who comes along from time to time and seems to actively seek me out, this time asking for school trousers, but last time he wanted me to measure his sons waist. An ex-employee, Laura, once experienced the same fellow.

But no, this week the Interesting Customer of the Week is whoever dropped a bottle of Camomine lotion all over the sodding place, prompting me to act as a human "Wet Floor" sign, standing over the spillage commenting in a dry voice "Watch out for the slop, it will ruin your shoes."


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