Monday 30 June 2008

It's Lost All Credibility Now....

Not a long post today, just something that amused me at 6 o'Clock this morning.

You see, having tried and failed to get to sleep, and not feeling particularly tired, I decided to venture forth and see what the internet held in store for the early morning surfer. After wading through the usual monsoon of porn I emereged in the sunny meadow of my young composers website, where I stumbled across some of my buddies having a chat in the shoutbox.

They were all guys so, predictably enough, the conversation was about sex. Dan was bragging to the less familiar people that his girlfriend was sleeping off a 3-hour workout, when I know for a fact he's single, and then the conversation shifted jokingly to the sex before marriage argument.

Long story short, Dan remarks "God says it's evil". I chime in, claiming that God said not to eat the apple off the forbidden tree, so now the damge is done, we have sin upon us and are cast out of the eternal paradise. So we may as well make the most of it. What's the next thing I see?

"How can anyone believe that crap? It's absurd! Anyone with half a rational mind can figure out that the forbidden fruit was most likely a pomegranite".

....what the fuck do you say to that!?!?

~ Fox

1 comment:

Sprog said...

That if it was a pomegranete then the entire bible is a lie and science rules supreme. The end.