Friday 11 July 2008

Journeys End

At the risk of sounding a complete copycat twat (Oh look, a rhyme) I'm about to review the final episode of the most recent series of Doctor Who (Y'know, the one with Davros.) So if ya aint seen it, and wish to avoid spoilers, I direct you to

So. A mildly logical reason for David Tennant not being replaced. Such a scenario could've worked, but alas Mr Tennant shall be the last doctor, as his regeneration would result in the mass suicide of a million fangirls. And as his hand is still floating around, this is something the future writers must deal with.

The good fellow who's review I took inspiration from (a link to his blog can be found to the right somewhere) stated that the clone Doctor was so Rose could have a happy ending. To me it seems that the writers had a more sinister motive. In fact, the concept of two Doctors, or at least two David Tennants, is destined to flood deviantARTs fan-fictions from now until the day I happily embrace a cactus and proclaim it the greatest lover I've ever had, and I don't care if it doesn't call, at least I've been happy enough to feel its spiney warmth for one night of drunken action.

So, enough Tennant obsessives offended then. Davros was awesome, even though by all rights he's died more times than Ricky Gervais when he needs to be unscripted, and probably shouldn't have been in the episode. However, the madness of Dalek Caan was fucking awesome, and he remains the best Dalek ever.

And so, we move swiftly onto the overdose of companions. Jack Harkness is always a good thing, even though as the episode was airing deviantART traffic was freaking out and all the submissions became remarkably homoerotic (possibly overdoing the joke, but you gotta admit, I do have a point.) Rose returned for some stupid fucking reason, something which was as inevitable as the tides, and as welcome as Josef Mengale. But she's gone forever now now, which is joyous. Sarah Jane Smith is good, so she escapes with the minimum of bile, although the kid from her spin-off series is an annoying little shit. It was good to see Mickey and Jackie again, who are always good for a laugh, and Martha is at least a logical addition to this finale, even if I generally dislike the character (The episodes of the previous series "Utopia", "The Sound of Drums" and "Last of the Time Lords" being the only exception.)

And we move now to Donna. I have enjoyed this companion, who worked nicely as opposed to Rose and Martha, who's romantic approach failed utterly to work, it was much better to see a companion without total fawning adoration, and some of her more emotional performances were fantastic, especially when her memory is wiped.

And so, we draw to a close. One thing left to say: As much as I adore the Daleks, for fucks sake can you try and introduced a new villain to offer a decent threat to the universe. Although having said that, bringing back The Master can only be a good thing.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That Wikipedia page was full of spoilers! Now I can never read that bloody thing because I know the ending!

Aye, I'm forced to agree with you that if Tennant ever regenerated, the world would get a lot lighter. Personally, I hope Moffat's got something nasty in store for him.