Sunday 17 February 2008

Interesting Customer of the Week

Introducing a new feature! The interesting customer of the week! To my parents utter shock at confusion, I do have a job, a nice basic boring retail existance. But some of the people who turn up are quite odd indeed.

This week: Das Kommandant.

Super skinny, short blonde hair, and about 6ft4, this fellow was utterly terrifying. The lights dimmed as he entered the store, eyes squinting looking at the workers who cowered behind clothing and tills. The silence was broken only by the sounds of a single crying child, who was swiftly hushed.

Ok, so I made the last of that up completely, but the fellow looked very much like the evil commander of a German POW camp. He even had a scar over one eye for christsakes! And wore a black suit with a grey shirt. I fully expected "Ah...die Englander...Mine olt nemesis..." followed swiftly by a slap from a black leather glove (yes he was wearing them) and then dragged off to face a horribly premature death.

So, for sheer mind beinding terror, I give you Das Kommandant!


By the way, don't you dare correct any of my German.

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