Friday 25 April 2008

Interesting Customer of the Week Part 5

Visiting my local station of gaming today, with the intention of purchasing House of the Dead 2+3 for the Wii (If you were vaguely interested, which you probably were seeing as how I'm totally loved and admired by all you lot as though I was a tall glass of ice and rum on a warm day at the beach) I encountered somebody. Two somebody's in fact.

The first was your average middle aged woman, looking a bit lost in this ocean of gaming spittle, and the second was probably her son, aged around 14, wearing a Linkin Park hoody, the deep and meaningful muso that he so clearly is. Anyhows, the following conversation did occur presented now word for word, for your amusement.

Woman: Oooo I think I might get Wii fit.
Son: You don't own a Wii.
Woman: You need a Wii to play Wii Fit?

At which point I had no choice whatsoever but to completely collapse laughing. She may have been offended, but whatever. This struck me as being an awesome conversation to witness, and also struck me as eternally grateful that I don't work in tech support or gaming retail.


P.S. I'm aware that I didn't work there. She was still a customer. So if all you Daily Sport reading peasants want to complain then please mail them in a ground glass covered envelope to your arse.

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