Sunday 27 April 2008

Pretentious, moi?

I make no pretense that I am a pretentious bugger, truly I'm often to be found listening to Bach's lesser known works whilst reading a book with horribly arty ideals. All I need now is a roll-neck jumper (black) and a beret (also black) and I'll fit in perfectly with all of the irritating pricks often to be found on coffee shops arguing about Marcel Proust.

However, in the course of viewing 70s prog-rock band Focus with a good friend of mine (who shall be referred to as Leroy from now on, simply because I like the name) I encountered somebody who may be more pretentious than I.

Midway through the set, I turned to Leroy, and told him something (the exact details escape me) and he responded. At which point, Mr Pretentious himself commented, in these exact words, "If you want to chat, go outside"

What the fuck? We were in a busy music venue, a fairly huge amount of people were dancing, and generally have a good time. And this guy had the call to moan at us for talking? Seriously now, if you wanna listen to music under conditions chosen exactly by you, then get some decent speakers, a stereo and a copy of their album.

No point at all to make here. Just felt like you should be warned about people like this. They should be shot for their own safety.


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