Tuesday 22 January 2008

Social Groups. Part 1.

There are, in my hometown, a variety of social groups, who congregate in the bus station. I'm not sure why. Thus, I analyse them. This is in fact, a themed week!

And today, I review that epic sea of darkness, the Goth clique. In this group is, effectively, anybody who dresses in black. From the hardened Slayer fans to the considerably less hard Linkin Park emos, I shall class them all under the umbrella term Goth. Which may prove inaccurate, but chavs shall get the same treatment, and any of the other fuckers who occupy my local bus station.

For some, vague, pointless reason, the goth's generally feel I sympathise with them and their cause, possibly because I gad about in a long black coat adorned with safety pins. A typical conversation is as follows:

"Hey man, what an awesome coat! Where'd ya buy it?"
"I made it"
"Oh ok, my parents get my clothes from Hot Topic"
"Your parents?"
"Yeah, they don't get me at all."
"Despite buying you expensive clothes?"
"It's expensive being a goth!"
"So you're a goth?"
"What goth bands do you listen to?"
"Avenged Sevenfold"
"That's not very goth"
"So yeah I'm more a political goth"
"How can you have a political goth?"
"Well I dislike george bush and his capitalist country invading Iraq to get oil"
"Oh right. Do you listen to greenday?"
"That's not very goth either"

Which, I feel, accurately sums up most of those young 'uns who wear black. Baby Bats, as I like to call them. Then you have those who take the whole scene a bit more seriously, and hang around with mime-white faces, and trenchcoats. These are just scary. Approaching one to indulge in friendly conversation is an exercise in futility, much like persuading one of the Borg to wear an Acapulco shirt.

In between these extremes, are the MANY MANY FUCKING LEGIONS of kids who wear black, but not the Hot Topic stuff as their mothers disagree with the chains. Thus, they come across as somewhat half-arsed in their approach. They make up for this by writing god-awful poetry and posting it on Live-Journal.

Lastly, you have the pretentious goth. This fellow often plays bass guitar, drinks too much, listens to Pink Floyd, and has aspirations of serious journalism. They can often be found trying to maintain an online Blog which attempts to offer reviews.


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